Implant Removal & Exchange
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Miami, FL

An implant removal and exchange is a procedure to safely remove and replace old implants that are causing possible health or cosmetic issues. Most women choose to undergo this surgery as a means to create a more aesthetically pleasing breast profile and look. With time and the effects of aging, the tissues around the breast can sag, deflate, and wrinkle, giving the implants an unnatural, unflattering look. After all, breast implants are not meant to last forever, so it is normal to expect these changes.
With this procedure, the surgeon can not only provide the patient with new and improved implants, but they can remove excess scar tissue around the implants and perform a breast lift if needed. Patients can opt for smaller or larger implants and speak with their surgeon about the right material, shape, and texture that aligns with their breast augmentation desires. Some women simply seek to undergo a relatively simple explant surgery that involves implant removal without replacement.
To learn more in-depth information about your options for implant removal and exchange, the team at Miracle Mile Cosmetic Surgery Center in Miami can help. Our surgeons have extensive experience dealing with breast implant removal and will work to provide you with rejuvenated results you can feel confident about. No matter your goals, we can tailor our surgical approach to best suit your cosmetic aspirations and body shape.
Take the first step today by visiting our practice in person, calling (305) 901-2388, or inquiring with our contact form. We will help schedule your consultation at your earliest convenience.
Before and After Photos
About Breast Implant Removal
Breast implant removal, commonly called explant surgery, comes in various forms. One of the most common forms of explant surgery includes the en bloc capsulectomy, a procedure in which both the implant and the surrounding scar tissue are removed in one piece. Other forms of the procedure include a different approach to totally remove the scar tissue, and some may only involve the removal of the implants themselves. With the right approach to implant removal, patients can attain the best results possible with a new breast augmentation, restoring the volume and attractive contours achieved with the initial procedure. Those who might have developed lax skin and breast sagging over time could benefit from a breast lift- with or without new implants.
When Should I Replace Breast Implants?
Though modern silicone and saline implants are extremely durable and resilient against deformation and sagging, they are not immune to natural changes over time. Many surgeons estimate that implants are designed to last roughly 15 to 20 years before making the breasts look more aged. Still, there are plenty of other surgeons who may recommend implant removal before waiting this long. (1) One study found that of a sample of 500 women with breast implants, about half of them needed explant surgery after about 10 years due to a health concern that developed. (2) Explant surgery is not just necessary for cosmetic rejuvenation, but it can also serve as a medically necessary procedure as well.
Reasons for Breast Implant Removal
Capsular Contracture
A minimal amount of scar tissue should secure the implants in place, forming a supportive capsule. Capsular contracture occurs when too much scar tissue develops around the breast implant. While it is not a dangerous condition, it can cause firmness and tenderness in the area. In the most severe cases, it can even distort the surrounding breast tissue. Luckily, an en-bloc capsulectomy can precisely remove the overdeveloped fibrous tissue and allow the surgeon to restore the shape of the breast.
Implant Rupture
In general, implant ruptures are extremely rare, since modern saline implants are equipped with self-sealing valves, and silicone implants are typically made of highly cohesive material. Ruptures tend to occur with implants that were implanted decades ago. Still, if an implant rupture occurs, explant surgery is always required.
Breast Sagging, Wrinkling, and Asymmetry
Larger implants, especially, can weigh down the breast tissue and cause sagging over time. While asymmetry is not a common issue initially after augmentation, these tissue changes can contribute to its development. Rippling is possible with implants due to the development of scar adhesions between the other subcutaneous tissues and the implant capsule. (3)
Dynamic Distortion
Dynamic distortion is another cosmetic issue that causes the implant to move unnaturally and reposition itself with certain movements. This can make working out and other physical activities uncomfortable.
Breast Implant Illness
Breast implant illness (BII), also known as systemic symptoms associated with breast implants (SSBI), is a controversial phenomenon that is not well understood, but patients who experience it attribute their range of symptoms to their breast implants. Patients often cite issues like chronic fatigue, mental health issues, and even joint pain as part of their BII. Some researchers theorize that these could be part of a negative immune response to the implants, but this theory has not been confirmed. Luckily, a large majority of the women who experience BII find relief after explant surgery.
BIA-ALCL stands for breast implant-associated anaplastic large-cell lymphoma, another rare condition that only occurs in 1 in 500,000 women each year. (4) It is not breast cancer, but the condition can cause pain, firmness, swelling, and a lump of lymphatic fluid within the breasts. Surgeons perform an en-bloc capsulectomy to completely remove the problematic scar tissue.
Treatment Options
Implant Removal
To remove the implants themselves, your surgeon will either leave the scar tissue within the breast and allow the body to break it down naturally, remove the implant and capsule as one unit (en bloc capsulectomy), or remove the implant and scar tissue using another method. Sometimes, a partial capsulectomy may be necessary- a method that only involves partial removal of the scar tissue. To remove the implants themselves, your surgeon will access them using an inframammary incision that follows the outline of the bottom crease of each breast, effectively hiding surgical scarring. For smaller implants, they may be able to access them with periareolar incisions around each areola. If you have saline implants, your surgeon will remove the saline using a syringe before removing the silicone outer shells, minimizing internal scarring and reducing the risk of capsular contracture post-procedure.
Implant Removal with Breast Lift
If you have sagging skin, breast lift techniques can correct deflated-looking breasts during your implant removal procedure. Your surgeon will utilize one of the following:
- A periareolar incision technique
- “Keyhole” incisions that include the periareolar method with an added vertical incision
- “Anchor” incision approach that involves a “keyhole” method alongside an inframammary incision.
Your surgeon will tighten the skin, remove unnecessary lax skin, and reposition the breasts higher on the chest to create a more youthful appearance.
Breast Implant Replacement
If it is time to replace your implants, but you enjoy the look they provide, your surgeon can work with you to find updated replacements to maintain the aesthetics you feel most confident about. If you have a history of cosmetic or health issues with implants, we can help mitigate the possibility of complications in the future. Implant shape, size, texture, cohesiveness, profile, and positioning are all taken into consideration before your surgery and discussed during consultation. Secondary breast augmentation is similar to the initial surgery, but the surgeon must use individualized techniques to handle varying degrees of scar tissue.
Personal Consultation
During your consultation at Miracle Mile, your surgeon will ask you about any issues you have with your breast implants, your thoughts on implant replacement, and the aesthetic outcome you want to attain. They may ask you about your implants and when you underwent the initial procedure. After evaluating the breasts, they may take photos for reference and discuss their recommended approach that will be most suitable for your expressed needs and body shape. You will have the chance to ask questions about preparation, surgical techniques, anesthesia, recovery, and more, so please come prepared for your appointment. Safety, health, and incredible results are our priorities at Miracle Mile, so you can rest assured that your consultation will be thorough and informative.
To get started today, call our location in Miami at (305) 901-2388 or inquire online, and a staff member will promptly get back to you.
Cost of Implant Removal in Miami
The cost of your procedure will depend on the extent of the surgery, the method of implant removal, anesthesia fees, other surgical fees, and whether or not you choose to replace your implants. Your Miracle Mile surgeon will discuss all of these aspects of the procedure and provide you with a total cost estimate to help you make an informed decision. If you are interested in the prospect of making affordable payments to cover the cost, we invite you to apply for one of our financing options.
What are the different types of breast implant removal?
An en bloc capsulectomy involves using a highly technical surgical approach to remove the implant and the surrounding scar tissue capsule as a whole. A total capsulectomy involves total removal of both, but the surgeon may remove the scar tissue separately. Other times, surgeons may only remove part of the scar tissue or none at all. The approach depends on the issues the breast implants have caused for the patient.
Can I get a breast implant removal and replacement in the same procedure?
Yes, most patients undergo implant removal and replacement during the same surgery.
Does a breast implant removal procedure require general anesthesia?
Patients typically work with their surgeons to choose between general anesthesia and IV sedation with local anesthesia. Both are safe methods, and it is mostly dependent on the patient’s preferences.
- Fardo D, Sequeira Campos M, Pensler JM. Breast Augmentation. PubMed. Published 2021.
- Zhang, Z., Qi, J., Zhang, X. et al. What Can We Learn from Breast Implant Explantation: a 28-Year, Multicenter Retrospective Study of 1004 Explantation Cases. Aesth Plast Surg (2023).
- Faenza M, Lanzano G, Grella E, Izzo S, Ferraro G. Correction of Rippling in Implant-based Breast Reconstruction with Serratus Fascia Flap. Plastic and reconstructive surgery Global open. 2023;11(3):e4862-e4862. doi:
- Swanson E. The Case for Breast Implant Removal or Replacement Without Capsulectomy. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Published online February 11, 2021. doi: