Preparing For Plastic Surgery

It’s your plastic surgeon’s job to be skillful and keep your best interest at heart when performing your plastic surgery. However, you also have a job before and after surgery, and that is to prepare properly and comply with your surgeon’s instructions during recovery.

For the first part, preparing for surgery, you should follow your surgeon’s directions carefully to avoid complications and help ensure a safe procedure and recovery.

While the doctor is responsible for ordering the appropriate preoperative testing to ensure that you are healthy enough for surgery, your honesty and compliance are vital. And while preparing for plastic surgery procedures does not require a major overhaul of your lifestyle, some tweaks may be suggested.

Pre Surgery Precautions

Many medications and herbal supplements contain ingredients that increase bleeding. Be sure to stop these at least seven days before your surgery and inform your doctor of all medications and supplements you are currently taking. Your surgeon will advise you whether you need to stop and for how long.

Your surgeon will also recommend avoiding the following medications and supplements for a specified period of time.

  • All-natural supplements
  • All products with aspirin or salicylates
  • All nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications
  • Warfarin (Coumadin)

Click here for a complete list of medications and supplements to avoid before surgery.

Weight Loss

If you are overweight with a high BMI and have been told that you need to lose weight before the surgery, there are many ways to accomplish this.

Your doctor might make recommendations depending on your weight and ability, but eating a healthy, lower-calorie diet, along with routine exercises like walking or yoga, can often help do the trick.

Stop Smoking

If you smoke, you will be instructed to stop 30 days prior to surgery. Nicotine products impact proper blood flow and can cause complications with surgery and the healing process.

Post Surgery Care

Although most plastic surgery procedures are outpatient, you will need a ride to and from your surgery. In most cases, you will also need assistance for at least the first 24 hours after surgery to help with all day-to-day tasks.

No matter how independent you are, you’ll need help when it comes to surgery recovery, whether it comes from a loved one or someone you hire.

Traveling for Surgery

If you are flying to a different location to have your surgery, there is much more planning that needs to go into your trip.

Besides all the steps previously listed, you’ll need to have your pre-op testing done in a two-week window of time and arrange for accommodations where you can recuperate sufficiently before you fly home (usually about a week).

Offered Procedures

Miracle Mile Cosmetic Surgery Center provides a wide range of surgical breast enhancing and body contouring treatments, including:

Feel free to contact us today for more information.