Conveniently located to serve the areas of Miami, FL

Gynecomastia is a condition in which men develop excess breast tissue, often causing self-consciousness and self-esteem issues. Usually, men and boys with gynecomastia feel that they need to cover up with more clothing and feel embarrassed to show their chests. Unfortunately, hormonal treatments can’t undo breast growth; only surgery can offer a permanent solution for this cosmetic issue. So long as patients maintain their weight post-procedure, results help them feel more body confident, attractive, and masculine.
If you suffer from this condition, gynecomastia surgery can be a life-changing transformation and permit you to look and feel like the best version of yourself. At Miracle Mile Cosmetic Surgery Center in Miami, we utilize the latest minimally invasive techniques that won’t leave behind unsightly scars or require significant downtime.
To schedule an appointment at our practice today, call (305) 901-2388 or use our contact form, and a representative of our team will help you get the answers you need to feel positive in your decision. Our board-certified surgeons will provide you with further information and explain the many benefits you can expect from our approach.
The Causes of Gynecomastia
Gynecomastia is a relatively common condition that can develop for a wide range of reasons. It is more than just fat buildup; a man with gynecomastia typically has more fibrous and glandular tissue in the chest than what is normal for a male. Though men never develop the lobules that allow women to breastfeed, men with gynecomastia can have excess milk duct tissue that further contributes to their increased size.
For most men with the condition, it begins in adolescence- a time when hormone fluctuations can have a significant impact on body development. For some, it begins in early childhood, but this is less common. In essence, it is caused by an imbalance of estrogen and testosterone. During puberty, testosterone typically rises far above estrogen levels to correct mild gynecomastia, but in some instances, this hormonal issue doesn’t correct itself enough. Studies have found that among those with gynecomastia before puberty, about 10% will still have breast enlargement beyond their teenage years. (1)
Do I Have Gynecomastia?
Although being obese is not the same thing as gynecomastia, obesity can further contribute to prominent male breasts. If a patient only has a minor amount of fat under and around the nipples, it could be a similar condition called pseudo-gynecomastia. However, if the breasts are still enlarged after weight loss, it is likely true gynecomastia. There is a strong link between obesity and diabetes that can’t be ignored when assessing the factors at play. Around 30% of men with gynecomastia also struggle to maintain their blood sugar levels. These men often have a recorded family history of diabetes, supporting the notion that there is a genetic influence. (2) Even with links to obesity, men with normal BMIs can have enlarged, feminine-looking breasts that won’t go away with targeted exercise or other non-invasive treatments.
What Are The Treatment Options?
Your surgeon may only use liposuction which involves removing fat deposits via suction-based surgical techniques, or they may prescribe a more comprehensive approach that involves removing the other breast tissues as well. Regardless of the technique, the procedure only leaves behind well-hidden, discreet scars that won’t be noticeable long after completing recovery.
Your Miracle Mile surgeon will take the necessary steps and time to ensure you’re a good fit for the procedure before creating a treatment plan. In general, you should be in good health and relatively close to your ideal weight. Ideally, you should also be a non-smoking individual who refrains from all forms of nicotine, but our surgeons will consider you if you can quit for a few weeks to promote a better recovery. Teenage boys may qualify for the procedure if they have a severe case and if their breast tissue growth has stabilized. The best candidates are those who have been unable to see any progress despite diet and exercise.
Personal Consultation
Scheduling your consultation at Miracle Mile is the first step toward finding a solution to gynecomastia. During this first appointment with your surgeon, they will evaluate your excess breast tissue to provide you with a proper diagnosis before moving forward. They will assess your history with the condition, review your health status, and ask you about your expectations for the procedure. If you are a good candidate, they will go through general preparation steps, their recommendations for surgery, and how to recover safely. Miracle Mile surgeons are skilled in both liposuction that only targets excess fat in the breasts and excision techniques that require slightly larger incisions to resolve more severe cases.
To get started at our practice in Miami, a popular hub for plastic surgery, call (305) 901-2388 or request your appointment via our online form. We have helped hundreds of men attain the body of their dreams, freeing them from the physical and emotional discomfort of gynecomastia.
Gynecomastia Procedure Options
If you have a milder case of gynecomastia with more fat tissue than fibrous breast tissue, you will likely benefit greatly from a relatively simple liposuction procedure. Your surgeon will first administer a solution called tumescent fluid that will cause the fat tissues to swell, preparing them for removal with suction. This fluid will also serve to properly numb your chest and constrict blood vessels to prevent bleeding. Next, they will place a fine, tubular instrument called a cannula just under the skin to suction the targeted fat, smoothing out the contours of the chest. Gynecomastia liposuction only requires two incisions- one on either side of the chest- that are only about an eighth of an inch, so scarring is hardly noticeable. After the procedure is finished, your surgeon will only need to apply gauze and/or surgical tape to close these tiny incisions.
Skin and Breast Tissue Excision
If your surgeon finds that you have some excess fibrous and milk duct tissue, they can remove it with one-inch incisions just under each areola. After making this small opening, they will gently tease out the tissue. This technique can also allow your surgeon to remove any lax skin or reduce the size of the areolas and/or reposition them to promote a more masculine appearance. Surgeons may recommend a blended procedure that includes both liposuction and tissue excision to maximize quality results. With skin and breast tissue excision techniques, the remaining scar heals at the outline of the areola, so it will blend in seamlessly with the darker skin.
J-Plasma®, recently renamed Renuvion®, is a device designed to promote skin tightening after a liposuction procedure. Some individuals opt for this treatment as a means to correct mild droopiness and wrinkles in several areas throughout the face and body. For this enhancement, your surgeon will utilize your liposuction incisions to insert the J-Plasma® device. They will then apply low-level plasma energy, distributing heat of 185 degrees Fahrenheit to the underlying collagen fibers and causing them to retract. The energy reaches a much cooler 105.8 degrees Fahrenheit as it comes in contact with the skin, preventing any burns from occurring. As a result of this subcutaneous treatment, you can feel reassured that your skin will adhere closely to your new contours.
Recovery and Results
Your recovery will depend on the techniques of your particular surgery, but in general, you should be able to resume working within just 1 week. For the first few days, you should expect to focus on resting since your chest will be sore and swollen. Your surgeon may give you prescription medications to help you handle the discomfort, but many patients only require OTC medications.
Your surgeon will give you a compression garment that you will need to wear for a total of 3 to 6 weeks. This type of garment is designed to relieve swelling and protect your body as it continues to heal. You may need surgical drains to help fluid exit the body, but these are almost always removed within just a few days of the procedure.
Though you will likely be able to return to the gym after 2 to 4 weeks, your final results won’t be apparent until at least a month has passed. Residual swelling is normal for up to 6 months, so you should be patient and watch out for any possible signs of healing complications. The results can revolutionize your confidence, and you won’t feel the need to hide your chest any longer.
Cost of Gynecomastia Surgery in Miami
The total cost of your surgery will depend on the surgical techniques your surgeon utilizes, anesthesia fees, facility fees, follow-up appointments, prescriptions, and other aspects that will allow you to have the best experience possible at Miracle Mile. Though your surgeon will discuss the breakdown of the gynecomastia surgery costs involved at your consultation, you may want to consider applying for a financing payment plan with CareCredit, Alphaeon Credit, or PatientFi- the reputable financing options we offer at our Miami practice.
To find out more information or to contact us for a consultation, call (305) 901-2388, or inquire online. We look forward to getting to know you and helping you reach your aesthetic goals.
- Cayci C, Simmons P, Petty P, Lemaine V. Gynecomastia in Adolescent Males. Seminars in Plastic Surgery. 2013;27(01):056-061. doi:
- Kulshreshtha B, Arpita A, Rajesh P, et al. Adolescent gynecomastia is associated with a high incidence of obesity, dysglycemia, and family background of diabetes mellitus. Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2017;21(1):160. doi: